Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Shakespeare's 'co-author' named by Oxford scholars

All's Well That Ends Well has another author as well as William Shakespeare, according to research from Oxford University academics.

Thomas Middleton has been revealed as the most likely co-author, according to in-depth analysis of the play's vocabulary, rhyming, style and grammar.

Professor Laurie Maguire says the latest literary research shows groups of writers working together on plays.

"The picture that's emerging is of much more collaboration," said Prof Maguire.

"We need to think of it more as a film studio with teams of writers."

Literatur in England "Wir versuchen, vom festen Deutschlandbild wegzukommen"

In England wird deutsche Literatur oft auf die Klassiker reduziert, wenige Neuerscheinungen werden übersetzt. Woran das liegt, erklärt die Publizistin Charlotte Ryland.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Susan Gubar's Closing Chapters

The professor and feminist critic uses literature to understand life—and death

In the fall of 2008, Susan Gubar was enjoying the success that comes from a long and illustrious academic career. She was serving as a special adviser to the provost at Indiana University, supervising a dozen dissertation students, and teaching a graduate course on feminist literary criticism that evolved from the groundbreaking book she had written with a colleague 30 years earlier, The Madwoman in the Attic.
But on November 5, Ms. Gubar went to the hospital experiencing abdominal discomfort and received some shocking news. She had advanced ovarian cancer.
Three days later she underwent a radical surgery called "debulking," in which doctors removed her uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, appendix, and seven inches of her intestines. She has never fully recovered.


Friday, 13 April 2012

JK Rowling announces title of first adult novel

Author JK Rowling has announced her first adult novel will be called The Casual Vacancy.

The Harry Potter writer revealed in February that she was working on the book, and said it would be "very different" from her previous material.

The book will be published worldwide in hardback, e-book and as an audio download and CD on 27 September.

Schweden-Krimis auf Arte Warm anziehen, der "Winter" kommt

Düster, ungewaschen, kühl: Der schwedische Kommissar Winter macht seinem Namen alle Ehre, die gleichnamige Krimi-Reihe nach den Romanen von Åke Edwardson verbreitet eine frostige Stimmung. Das würde man gerne cool finden - doch der Plot knirscht wie ein zugefrorener See.,1518,822764,00.html