Friday, 13 July 2012

"Shades of Grey" Passt das Hundegeschirr auch meiner Frau?

Bei Tchibo haben sie sogenannte Themenwelten, diese Woche sind es Hunde. Es gibt Sachen, damit die Hunde sich gut fühlen, zu Hause, in den Ferien, eine schöne Idee. Ich kann solche Dinge jetzt allerdings nur noch mit einem Schaudern betrachten. Der Grund ist das Buch "Shades of Grey", das, wie ich begriffen habe, ein superliberales, feministisches Werk über eine sadomasochistische Beziehung darstellt.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Image created of 50 Shades of Grey character Christian Grey

Could this be what Christian Grey, the fictional heart-throb in the bestselling book Fifty Shades of Grey, looks like? 

 EL James's erotic novel 50 Shades of Grey has been stimulating the imagination of women across the world. But now, thanks to image-generating technology it's possible to see what the heart-throb at the centre of the book might actually look like.

Vote here: 

Sunday, 8 July 2012

EL James: The shy housewife behind Fifty Shades of Gray

As the writer of the most successful erotic novel in history, one would imagine that EL James lounges around in a kittenish silk negligee, perhaps dangling a leather bondage whip from her perfectly manicured fingers. The reality is rather different, however. The author of the ''mummy porn’’ book, Fifty Shades of Grey – which last week became the fastest selling adult paperback novel in history – is a middle-aged married woman living in a modest semi-detached red-brick house in a rather unfashionable area of west London. Instead of a leopard skin-clad dominatrix, she resembles a suburban school dinner lady.

Publishers and Libraries Clash Over E-Books

A new study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, Libraries, Patrons, and E-books, offers a glimpse at the current state of American libraries and finds them eager to lend e-books but struggling to do so, primarily because of budget limits and restrictions publishers place on e-book lending.
Of America’s 9,000 public library systems, 76 percent now offer e-books, up from 67 percent last year. But patrons are often unaware that libraries offer e-book lending — 62 percent of those surveyed said they didn’t know if their library lends e-books.
Twelve percent of e-book readers have tried borrowing digital books from a library, but indicate the process is cumbersome, with wait lists that can stretch for months, lack of availability for many titles, an inability to renew, and difficulty with the downloading process.
Fifty-six percent said they couldn’t find the particular e-book they wanted from their library, and 18 percent said their library’s e-books were incompatible with their e-reader.

Gabriel García Márquez's writing career ended by dementia

The Nobel prizewinning author Gabriel García Márquez is suffering from senile dementia and can no longer write, his brother has revealed.
Jaime García Márquez told students in Cartagena, Colombia, that his older brother, affectionately know as Gabo, calls him on the telephone to ask basic questions.
"He has problems with his memory. Sometimes I cry because I feel like I'm losing him," he said.
The 85-year-old Colombian writer won the Nobel prize in 1982 and is best known for novels including One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera and Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Big e-reader is watching you

Your e-reader knows how long it took you to finish The Hunger Games and where you stopped reading Wolf Hall. Publishers are thrilled with the new data – but what does it mean for the rest of us?

Why does Fifty Shades of Grey turn British women on?

When a book sells in the huge numbers that EL James's Fifty Shades of Grey is maintaining this summer, the world must surely be full of people who have enjoyed it and then told their friends.
Fans were certainly quick to defend Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code as it broke publishing records back in 2003, and Harry Potter addicts, both young and old, have been proud to wave a wand on behalf of JK Rowling's bestsellers since 1997. But what makes the triumph of James's book surprising is that a story involving such a succession of overtly kinky sex scenes can conquer the mainstream publishing market. After all, the plot is so singlemindedly titillating that it makes the unconventional "modern" relationships that leaven Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy read like Charlotte Brontë in comparison.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Happy End

Schreiben Sie sich nicht ab! Schlagen Sie ein neues Kapitel in Ihrem Liebesleben auf! Unser Autor hat Frauenromane gelesen - und verrät Ihnen, wie Sie ein manipulierender Macho werden.

Digital-Schmonzetten Julia, Tiffany und Bianca mischen den E-Book-Markt auf

In den Werken geht es um lüsterne Millionäre und glutäugige Highlander. Wer Heftromane des Hamburger Cora Verlags kauft, bekommt Liebe, Romantik und manchmal Sex. Vor allem im E-Book-Segment erzielt das Unternehmen satte Wachstumsraten - das Resultat einer schlauen Strategie.