Monday, 23 September 2013

Literaturkurs im Martinushaus: "Zeitsprünge"


Island: Herbjörg Maria Björnsson, Jahrgang 1929, lebt in einer Garage und lässt ihr Leben in Zeitsprüngen Revue passieren.
Wir bearbeiten Hallgrímur Helgasons Roman Eine Frau bei 1000º, der 2011 auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse vorgestellt wurde.  'Skurill', 'fulminante Sprache', 'ein gelungener, bissiger Roman' - ein Meisterwerk der besonderen Art erwartet uns.
Kursmaterial:          Helgason, Hallgrímur: Eine Frau bei 1000º
                                 DTV, 2013
                                 ISBN-13: 9783423214490
                                 9,95 €
Referentin:              Ellenruth Molz, M.A., Alzenau 
Zeit:                         Mittwoch, 10.15 – 11.45 Uhr, 5x
Termine:                  09.10./13.11./11.12./15.01.2014/12.02.2014

Anmeldung:             Martinushaus Aschaffenburg

Literaturkurs Herbst 2013 - "Umwelt * Eigenwelt * Mitwelt" - Kursinfo

Umwelt * Eigenwelt * Mitwelt

Literaturkurs Herbst 2013
63741 Aschaffenburg
10 Termine montags, 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr
Kursgebühr 200,00 Euro


Literaturkurs Herbst 2013 "Umwelt * Eigenwelt * Mitwelt"

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

What's the worst book on your bookshelves?

Contributors to our regular Tips, Links and Suggestions threads usually enjoy a debate about good reads. This week, however, thoughts turned to terrible ones. We've all struggled with poorly written books; ironically, they're often the ones we can't get rid of, gathering dust on our shelves.
What's the worst book on your bookshelves? I was just browsing my shelves and came upon Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie. It's an absolute stinker. Unreadably bad.
Surprising words, perhaps, from a self-confessed "big Christie fan". Sadly, for MsCarey, "the book's turgidity, ludicrous pomposity and a literally nonsensical plot which clearly hadn't been edited properly by author or editor" are the book's only legacy.

Monday, 16 September 2013

A Bookless Library Opens in San Antonio

Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff isn’t the man you’d imagine as the visionary for the nation’s first all-digital public library.
The former San Antonio mayor doesn’t own an e-reader (“I refuse to read the e-book!” he says) and for years has collected first editions of modern novels (in print, mind you). Back in the 1990s, Wolff helped spearhead San Antonio’s 240,000 square-foot, six-story, $50 million central public library, a building the city is now struggling to figure out what to do with. Today, Wolff says he would’ve avoided building such a large facility.

Fifty Shades of Grey now officially rubbish

Fifty Shades of Grey. Just when we thought no more bad stuff could come out of this book: first the monstrous book sales, then the media frenzy, then the film announcement followed by all the tiny updates about who would direct and star in the film (readers, I covered this too), then the recent news that hotels up and down the country were lumbered with discarded copies of the books.
After all that, it is now charity shops, those high street paragons of virtue and volunteerism, who must bear the brunt of the Fifty Shades legacy.